I haven't the foggiest idea what a blog is. I never learned how to type. So
this is a true work in progress. But we can't hang out on the patio any more,
so what the hell.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Grab a pencil. Make sure your sound and speakers are on. Then, after each bugle call, click on the button, or if that doesn't work, try clicking on the button. Listen to the bugle call (patience - you may have to wait a few seconds or hit a "Play" or "OK" button to get going), and jot down your best guess at its name. When you're all done, click on "Comments" at the bottom of the post. Copy your answers (and leave any other laudatory remarks) in the box that opens up, MAKING SURE TO LEAVE YOUR NAME, if you want to claim your prize. Answers may one day be posted in the "Links" section of the green sidebar. And who knows - prizes might even be awarded at the 2008 SUMMER REUNION.
Lots of luck!
Bugle Call #1
Bugle Call #2
Bugle Call #3
Bugle Call #4
Bugle Call #5
Bugle Call #6
Bugle Call #7
Bugle Call #8
Bugle Call #9
Bugle Call #10
Bugle Call #11